
Since 1987: quality and customer satisfaction

GIM is active in over 50 markets for leading branded companies, industrial enterprises and service providers from more than 30 industries. These include global corporations as well as medium-sized companies. We also conduct research for organizations in the public sector.

We offer high-quality quantitative and qualitative full service research services. Digital, hybrid, offline, B2C, B2B and B2E, as well as knowledge services in the areas of analytics, UX, future, CX and EX.

In terms of revenue, we are the largest owner-managed and independent full service market research institute headquartered in Germany since our founding (Context list 2022) and rank among the top 5 in the industry.

According to the overall ranking of the latest industry image study, we maintain a top image in the industry and land in the leading positions in independent customer satisfaction studies.

Our work focuses on the relationships between people and brands. We understand these relationships and make sure you stay relevant to your own customers.

Relevance Counts. Welcome to GIM!


  • Turnover: 42.1 million euros (2022, GIM Group), Top 5 current ranking
  • Founded in 1987, Around 200 employees
  • Offices in Heidelberg (headquarters), Berlin, Nuremberg, Wiesbaden, Lyon, Zurich and Shanghai
  • More than 700 projects per year in over 50 countries worldwide
  • Management: Dr. Jörg Munkes, Dr. Stephan Telschow 
  • Official certification according to ISO 20252:2019 (research)
  • TISAX certification (research)
  • Team with scientific background from complementary academic disciplines
  • Own CATI studio, part of our subsidiary GIM DiCom
  • Established partner network with independent institutes
  • Cooperation & engagement in academic teaching (GIM Academics)
  • Training of employees through our own training-on-the-job program
  • Continuous internal (GIM Academy) and external training of employees
  • Whether for the environment, social issues or corporate governance: our measures with a long-term perspective
  • Memberships: ADM, BVM, ESOMAR, DGOF, Ephmra, UXQB Int. Usability and UX Qualification Board (certified experts in all industries), dgtf

Our quality standards

In the 2021/2022 image study by, we take first place in the overall ranking. In the categories "Quality", "Methodological Competence" and "Consulting Competence", GIM is in first place in each case. We already held a top ranking in 2018.

We are certified according to ISO standard 20252:2019. It is the most comprehensive and important international standard for market research. The certification makes it possible to define research processes and applied methods according to a uniform quality standard and also to check them later during implementation.

For us, data quality means survey quality! Therefore, our recruitment of study participants is based on a professional and comprehensive briefing. Transparent customer communication, further training of our employees and project management from a single source are further important components of GIM Quality Management.

Through continuous supervision, we guarantee data protection according to DSGVO as well as a comprehensive and modern IT infrastructure and IT security. With the TISAX certification, we also follow the common standard for information security in the automotive industry.

Auszeichnung von für Top-Image und der Zertifizierung nach österreichischen Standards.

Datenqualität bedeutet für uns Erhebungsqualität. Deswegen basiert unsere Rekrutierung von Studienteilnehmer:innen auf einem professionellen und umfassenden Briefing. Eine transparente Kundenkommunikation, die Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeiter:innen und das Projektmanagement aus einer Hand sind weitere wichtige Bausteine des GIM Quality Managements.

Durch eine kontinuierliche Supervision gewährleisten wir Datenschutz nach DSGVO sowie eine umfassende und moderne IT-Infrastruktur und IT-Sicherheit. Mit der TISAX-Zertifizierung folgen wir zudem dem gemeinsamen Standard für Informationssicherheit in der Automobilindustrie.

International market research 

We research and work where our customers are - and that includes many internationally active medium-sized companies as well as multinational corporations.  

Today, we generate about 75% of our sales with projects in an international context. In the past five years, we have been active in about 50 markets. Our partner network comprises about 100 companies worldwide. On site, we mostly cooperate with local partner institutes.

We observe and analyze with 100% involvement the everyday cultures of the markets in which we operate.

We try to identify relevant culture-specific interpretations of a product category or brand and translate them into the requirements of global marketing - according to the principle of culturally sensitive, comparative interpretation.

Our values

We align our behavior towards all stakeholders with an overarching and binding set of values.

The way we act and present ourselves to our customers, research participants and employees is shaped by these values, as is the quality of our research work. We see these values as the foundation of our corporate governance and our corporate behavior - as well as the guidelines of our "research ethos".

The GIM values were not imposed top-down, but developed together with and within our team on the basis of a creative, reflective process - and then adopted during a one-day corporate event.

Respect: We treat each other fairly, tolerate other opinions and avoid "dirty play"!

Openness: We are transparent in our behavior and communication and always open to new ideas and impulses!

Diversity: We are diverse in terms of skills, interests, backgrounds and demographics.

Grafik, die die Core Values "Respect, Openness und Diversity" der GIM zeigt..