< Target Group & Buying Behaviour

Target group & Buying behavior

Market research with babies, children and teenagers

Babies, children and teenagers are in constantly changing phases of development. That's why it's particularly important that market research with very young target groups offers a sensitive and specialized approach. Our experts know exactly how this research differs from studies with adults - both in the methodological approach and the study design.

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What are age-appropriate methods?

Our research with babies, children and teenagers spans diverse product areas, from food and beverages to games and media, sporting goods and cosmetics.

We adapt our research methods to the respective age group, from playful, action-oriented approaches for younger children to digital methods for teenagers. Group discussions, friendship pairs and online formats such as app diaries are just a few examples of how we implement age-appropriate and exciting study designs.

Each method takes into account age-specific interests, attachment to parents and siblings, and social environment, including peers. By including non-verbal reactions and carefully selecting empathetic interviewers, we ensure valid and meaningful results.

Market research with babies

Research with babies and toddlers is often aimed at parents. Through their stories we can gain profound insights into the needs and preferences of the little ones. It's usually the mothers we target. Market research studies with mothers of babies and small children require a particularly sensitively planned setting.

In addition to freely accessible facilities and facilities, a child-friendly interview room with toys also makes it easier to carry out the study. It is important to note that interviews with mothers are naturally time-limited, as infants and babies in particular require a lot of attention.

Challenge of quantitative research with children

Quantitative studies with children are only possible from infancy. When carrying out the survey, we attach great importance to understandable questionnaires and scales, which we often supplement with smiley scales. Adapting the technology to child-friendly media such as tablets and integrating gamification elements are further pillars of our research work.

Aktuelle Publikationen 

Die wahren Kaufentscheider – Wie Babys, Kids und Teens den Markt beeinflussen (2024)

Im Interview erklärt Tanja Herbst, Research Director bei der GIM, wie Marktforschung mit Kindern, Teenagern und sogar Babys funktioniert.